ACOM 532G-32/32 is designed to support 32 GSM-channels and allows you to store up to 32 SIM-cards in one gateway. Using this equipment, you can make up to 32 simultaneous calls on the network, providing a more efficient termination of voice traffic.
The 32/32-card EjoinTech VoIP GSM gateway, aka SK32-32 GSM GATEWAY China Skyline, supports remote control. You can remotely load or unload SIM-cards without turning off the device. Since there is no need for direct access to the equipment, its maintenance is reduced to a minimum, to save your time.
ACOM 532G-32/32 can operate along with the GoAntiFraud service. This will allow you to increase the profitability of your GSM termination business since the equipment will work more productively. The computerized SIM-card operations will facilitate controlling the gateway, as well as the tools to simulate human behavior will protect SIM-cards against AntiFraud systems.
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