As a Balkan country, Croatia attracts terminators with low competition in the field of re-filing and a high level of development of the mobile sector. If you use a competent approach to doing your business, you can earn at least $100 per channel here. But how is the situation with the Internet? For normal operation of VoIP equipment, it is necessary to connect a stable high-speed Internet.
Today, the penetration rate of the Internet in Croatia is the highest in the Balkan region (75%, it’s over 3.17 mln connections). There is a possibility to connect using different technologies: dial-up, DSL, Satellite, and LTE. Cable and fiber Internet are also available. The fiber Internet can still be connected mainly in cities, while the countryside does not yet have sufficient coverage.
The largest Internet provider in Croatia is T-Hrvatski Telekom, which owns the bulk of the local infrastructure. Other major Internet service providers are B.Net and Optima Telekom.
As for the download speed, in Croatia, this figure varies depending on the provider and location. In rural areas, the coverage is minimal. Nevertheless, the average speed in the country is 7.8 Mbps, and in large cities, it is possible to connect fiber-optic Internet with a speed of up to 100 Mbps. This is enough to successfully run your business in the direction of voip gsm termination.