VOIP GSM call termination business is based on the management of incoming international calls which are coming (landing) to your country.
To make it clear for you, let's illustrate the call connection process with a very simple example
Imagine that a person living in the USA (for example) is calling another person who is located in your country.
The mobile network companies in each of these countries are different and most often don't even know each other. This means the mobile network company in the USA does not have a direct connection with the Mobile network company in your country.
To connect the call to your country, the mobile network in the USA needs to use intermediary international call transit companies named "Transit operators" or "Call traffic providers" or "Originators".The "Transit operator" is a company that has very sophisticated software and hardware which allow calls transfer from one country to another country. Such companies are independent (private), and each of these transit companies participating in the international call connection process makes margin profit for each minute of call that they have transferred to any country;
Finally, the mobile network company in the USA finds some international call transit operators which have reliable connections with your country then forward the call to them. From this step the Call transit operator has 2 options :
- 1st option: Connect the call directly to the official route through your local mobile network and then make a low-margin profit.
- 2nd option: Connect the call to the alternative route through VOIP GSM CALL TERMINATION BUSINESS (Means through you in case you start this business) and make a high profit
As an independent (private) company has the goal to maximize their margin profit, most of the international call transit companies prefer the 2nd option. This means they prefer to deal with businessmen like you who are starting VoIP call termination, to build with you a WIN-WIN business corporation.
Indeed when the call reaches your equipment (with goantifraud software) installed in your country, the system automatically converts the international call to a local call, then choose one of the sim cards that was inserted into the equipment and automatically forward the call to the callee (the person living in your country).
For each minute of such call passing through your system, you will get paid in USD currency.