Turkcell: International GSM Operator
Turkcell: International GSM Operator
10-Oct-2017 12:50

Turkcell: International GSM Operator

Turkcell, a Turkish telecommunication company, is the largest GSM operator in Turkey and operates in several other countries of the world. Part of its shares belongs to the Finnish-Swedish company TeliaSonera Group. In addition, the Russian company LetterOne Holdings S.A. owns Turkcell shares. The operator is a leading provider of cellular services in several countries in Europe and Asia. The total number of connections is more than 60.7 million.

To date, Turkcell provides services in the following countries:

  • Turkey (Turkcell). The number of subscribers is about 36.6 million.
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTCell). The number of subscribers exceeds 500 thousand.
  • Azerbaijan (Azercell). The number of subscribers is about 5 million.
  • Georgia (Geocell). The number of subscribers is about 2.5 million.
  • Moldavia (Moldcell). The number of subscribers is about 2 million.
  • Kazakhstan (Kcell). The number of subscribers is about 12 million.
  • Belarus (Life). The number of subscribers exceeds 1.6 million.
  • Ukraine (LifeCell). The number of subscribers exceeds 12.3 million.

In many of the above countries, it is possible to run a successful VoIP GSM termination business. For example, in Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova, there are quite high VoIP call termination rates. In most of the countries, in which Turkcell operates, the operator owns the majority of the market.

By selecting a favorable tariff plan for outgoing calls, you can place a goip 8 voip-gsm gateway or other VoIP equipment to terminate international traffic in one of the regions. GoAntiFraud experts will help you to customize the termination logic for the features of the selected country and provide convenient software to remotely control GSM gateways.

Start UP Light - $1300
If you purchase the START UP LIGHT package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Start UP - $1900
If you purchase the START UP package, you can get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe - $5600
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
DeLuxe Plus - $6700
By purchasing the DELUXE package, you get equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...
Ultimate - $10500
You are welcome to buy the ULTIMA package and get your equipment at wholesale prices. Read more...

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