Business in VoIP termination area is a very profitable niche, but in the beginning many new-comers make mistakes that can cause them losses. We will tell you about the main mistakes of newcomers, so that you can protect yourself from them and begin to terminate with the maximum benefit right away.
Let us dwell on several errors made most often:
- Buying SIM-cards in large batches from one seller. Buying the start plans in one selling point in large batches raises the risk of quick and overall blocking of your numbers. The fact is that when you buy from one seller, the numbers usually differ only in the last figures, which causes suspicion of the operator. It is better to buy Sims in small quantities from different traders or in different kiosks.
- Landing large amounts of traffic from the beginning. Many beginners in voice termination order delivery of a large number of calls from the traffic provider. At the same time, they do not have enough capacity to transmit all these calls (GSM channels), and finally they lose profit.
- Downloading all the gateway channels at once. Do not load all the channels in GSM gateways simultaneously . This can result in a quick blocking of SIM cards. It is necessary to set pauses between calls to simulate human behavior, therefore it is not recommended that all of the equipment ports are operated simultaneously and without interruptions.
- Using an unstable Internet connection. For normal operation of one goip gsm gateway 3cx or other VoIP equipment, a minimum Internet speed of 42 Kbps is required. In this case, the connection must be stable, without failures. Unfortunately, today’s popular 3G and 4G Internet is not stable enough and those beginners in termination business who use it, as a result, receive a large number of short or even zero calls. Accordingly, they suffer losses. Use only broadband!
We wish prosperity to your VoIP business!