GSM termination for “dummies”: SIM-card activity schedule
GSM termination for “dummies”: SIM-card activity schedule
13-Nov-2019 14:43

GSM termination for “dummies”: SIM-card activity schedule


Simulation of human behavior is the most important tool for making high profits on VoIP termination. With the GoAntiFraud service, you can set patterns for the SIM cards “behavior” to bring it as close as possible to the behavior of a real subscriber. Creating a SIM activity schedule is one of the ways to plausibly pretend to be a human being and minimize card blocking.

Antifraud systems, when analyzing the activity of SIM cards, take into account the schedule of calls.

Calls made by real people have preset patterns, including the timing. So, a person who uses a mobile phone cannot call all day without a break; antifraud systems immediately understand that there is a gateway working. There are other patterns as well. GoAntiFraud tools allow getting as close as possible to the schedule of a real subscriber by setting the following parameters for calls:

  • Call limits. You can set limits on the number of calls made from each card.
  • Call duration. You can limit the duration of each call from each SIM card, because for a real subscriber, one call cannot last, for example, 8 hours.
  • Pauses between calls. A person takes breaks between calls, so it is important to pause between calls from the gateway. You also need to take into account the parameter of the day and night activity, since the antifraud systems analyze how often a card calls at different times of the day. Real subscribers reduce their "mobile activity" at night.
  • Incoming calls. Any subscriber has incoming calls, usually they are the calls from "favorite numbers" (relatives, friends, colleagues, clients). GoAntiFraud service allows generating incoming traffic and thereby simulating human behavior.

Properly using the tools to simulate the behavior of a real subscriber, you can minimize the cost of buying new SIM-cards and significantly increase profits.

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