Termination of calls (voice traffic.) originated in 1983. BBN Company decided to call in another office, using PCM and ADPCM codec, and Internet protocols and specialized equipment for voice transmission at a distance. The experiment was a success.
Since then the VoIP termination technology has been improved. In 1995, 2 schemes were laid in the foundation of voice transmission over long distances: a computer-to-computer or computer-to-computer phone. Due to this, today, many people can communicate inexpensively, being in different parts of the world.
Nowadays, calls are terminated in the following way: dialing, delivery of voice traffic to mobile operators, a further call forwarding via transit operators using a VoIP signal. At the end of this path there is a VoIP GSM gateway, a special-purpose device that converts the call to GSM or fixed-line and sends it to the called party's mobile or landline telephone. This technology allows charging international and long distance calls as local ones. VoIP providers offer cheap telephony services using VoIP equipment and software PBX but some users implement the communication scheme on their own.
For this reason, mobile operators are at war with VoIP providers and ordinary terminators believing that they take away their earnings. At the same time, many GSM-operators’ services for overseas and long-distance calls are prohibitively expensive. In addition, in many countries there are telecommunications companies-monopolies that keep high tariffs on communication, not allowing competition. This was the reason that the number of users, who want to pay for calls at local rates, increases every day.
The VoIP GSM termination technology allows significantly saving on communication. IP telephony can be organized by the company to reduce costs and, consequently, increase profits.
There is also the possibility of doing profitable business by using this technology. You will be able to make money on a difference in the cost of international and local calls, redirecting traffic from the transit companies to your gateway. With the right approach, the GSM termination system organized by you will provide the stable high income. The promising direction that you choose to terminate international calls is, the greater your earnings will be.
Experienced terminators install several multichannel gateways, and profits that they get amount to tens of thousands of dollars a month. Some of them even manage to make hundreds of dollars every month.