Although the population of Montenegro is only 629 thousand people, the country concentrates amounts of voice traffic, which is due to the large tourist flows. The country has a well-developed mobile services sector. In addition, in this direction, there is a fairly high rate: $0.14 - $0.15 per minute. Like other Balkan countries, Montenegro is attractive for starting a business in the field of termination of voice traffic.
Cellular penetration in the country reached 164%, which is more than 1 million connections. As Montenegro prepares to join the EU, the local mobile market is open to competition and developing in accordance with European standards. To date, there are three operators in the country:
- Telenor (more than 0.42 million connections);
- T-Mobile (officially aka Crnogorski Telekom, about 0.38 million connections);
- M:tel (0.3 million connections).
GSM operators are actively competing among themselves, which provides a democratic pricing policy for cellular services. Airtel and T-Mobile have excellent coverage throughout the country but the M:tel coverage is slightly worse.
When buying a SIM card in Montenegro, you must provide documents and fill out the registration form at the point of sale. However, there is an opportunity to purchase starter packs without these formalities in some of the street stalls. In addition, since May 2017, prepaid customers must undergo electronic registration. Unregistered numbers are quickly blocked.
The cost of a SIM-card in the country varies from $1.2 to $6, depending on the operator. At the same time, $1.1 to $3.5 are immediately given to the account. The standard rate for local calls is about $0.2 per minute but local operators, competing with each other, offer a lot of advantageous packages. There is an opportunity to call within the network for $0.005- $0.1 per minute if you select an optimal tariff plan.
When terminating for 5 hours per day in Montenegro, you can make at least $100 via each channel of a gsm voip gateway goip 16 or other VoIP equipment.